Results for: community exchange

Building community governance: adapting lessons learned in northwest Madagascar (part 2)
In part two of his story, Zo Andriamahenina shares the experiences of communities in Mahajamba Bay, who are managing their natural marine resources, inspired by learning exchanges with other communities

The ambitious challenge of community-led aquaculture
Reflecting on a journey of community resilience in southwest Madagascar and learning for the future

Our ongoing journey: exploring the challenges and lessons learned about community engagement in conservation
Sharing learning on community engagement in conservation in Tsimipaika Bay

We found our voice: Pate Island community’s journey in marine conservation
For Pate Island community members celebrating the first octopus fishery closures in Kenya, local fishery management has meant much more than just improving catches

Using smartphones to improve community health
For community health workers in remote parts of Madagascar, smartphones can be a real game changer

The role of Safidy: reflecting on Blue Ventures’ community health programme
Why does a marine conservation organisation work in community health?

Progress, experience and passion: 11 years of supporting community health services in Madagascar
11 years ago today, Blue Ventures made the decision to diversify its approach and support local health service provision. In this blog Nick Reed-Krase reflects on the development, accomplishments and future of the Safidy programme.

A year’s progress for community-led conservation in the Comoros
Sarah Freed reviews the highlights of 2017, a year of learning, partnership and preparation.

Scaling up the success of lionfish management through practitioner exchange
Four delegates from Colombia recently visited Belize to learn about market-based approaches to invasive lionfish control.

The crocodile’s children: community-led marine management on Atauro
The community of Ilik-namu have decided to take control of their future and begin managing their marine resources.

Community health workers embrace mobile technology for smarter service delivery and reporting!
Following in the footsteps of our shark fishery monitoring initiative, community-based distributors of contraceptives in southwest Madagascar are embracing mobile technology for smarter service delivery and reporting.

Coast-to-coast fisher exchange: from reef octopus to spiny lobster
Lobster fishers from Sainte Luce travelled almost 1,000 kilometres across southern Madagascar to learn from Velondriake’s experience of temporary octopus closures Blue Ventures is working to support some of Madagascar’s most isolated coastal communities to manage their fisheries and marine resources. Starting with a...

Fisher exchanges to change fisheries
by Shawn Peabody, Country Director, Madagascar Examples of coastal communities coming together to take on overfishing and reduce destructive fishing aren’t too hard to find. In nearly every region there are good examples of these “positive deviants”, as the literature...

Kwetu, Community Aquaculture in Mombasa, Kenya
By Shawn Peabody, Madagascar Locally Managed Marine Area (LMMA) Coordinator. I travelled to Mombasa, Kenya last week to attend a workshop developing a proposal to investigate the role that marine ecosystem services play in poverty alleviation around the Indian Ocean. ...