Tag: rebuilding fisheries

Talking tara bandu: witnessing a marine milestone on Ataúro
Witnessing a marine milestone for locally led conservation in the Coral Triangle

Welcome to Timor-Leste!
I’m in Timor-Leste to collect images and video of our new base and to help get Greg up to speed with all things Blue Ventures. He’s only been in his new role for 2 weeks and is already up to...

Belief in the Reef!
[avatar user=”marc” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”http://blog.blueventures.org/author/marc/” target=”_blank” /] by Marc Fruitema, Community Officer, Belize As we squeezed ourselves under the narrow roof of a snack tent, sheltering from the fifth squall to disrupt the fair that day, our spirits and energy were...

Kola tea, crabs and key informants
[avatar user=”Charlie” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”http://blog.blueventures.org/author/charlie/” target=”_blank” /] by Charlie Gough, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator, UK I drink tea in the afternoon, primarily because I am very ‘English’, but also because coffee seems to have a strange effect on me past...

Divided by sea, united by vision: a community exchange across the Mozambique Channel
As the clock neared midnight on a beautiful starry night on the coast of southwest Madagascar, eight sets of bemused and weary eyes peered out at us from the dark depths of a seafood collector truck. Our visitors had spent...

A little step for me…. One giant leap for octopus fisheries management
Not only was it my first time in the “Old Town”, the beautiful heart of Zanzibar’s Stone Town, where the labyrinth of alleyways transport you to another time, and the historical monuments and museums bear witness to the cultural and artistic...

Spreading the word about lionfish!
By Winnie Courtene-Jones, Field Scientist, Belize Since their arrival in Belize in 2008, lionfish have dramatically increased in numbers and spread throughout the country’s waters, devastating the World Heritage listed Belize Barrier Reef. What better way than to help tackle...

Innovative Tools and Inspired Leaders: My Experience as a Kinship Fellow
By Jen Chapman, Country Coordinator, Belize [quote_left]If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. – John Shores, Kinship Faculty, 2014[/quote_left] It was a busy morning, and I was mildly irritated to hear my phone ring… again!...